Miller Library Media Center
Melissa Wilson, Library Information Technology Educator/GT Specialist
Phone: 817.299.7550
Library Hours: M-F, 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Parents: Please review book care procedures with your child to help them be good library citizens. Please make sure they are taking care of their books and returning them on time. If a book is damaged, please bring it to the library so I can assess the damage.
Lost or Damaged Books: Unlike the public library, the school library does not charge fees for returning a book late. Instead of late fees, checkout privileges are withheld until all books are returned to the library. If a book is lost or damaged beyond repair, payment for the book is expected, and the replacement price of the book will be given to your child. If a book is lost, paid for, and then found at a later date and returned to the library, we will refund you the money. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the librarian.
Book Checkout Policy & Other Library Information
- Kinder-1st may check out one book at a time.
- Pre-K and Kindergarten may check out one book at a time.
- Grades 2-4 may check out two books at a time.
- All books are checked out for one week and then can be renewed as needed.
- Classes visit the library on a weekly basis for checkout and instruction time.
Library Resources & Other Helpful Links
Web Resources
National Geographic Kids--for kids who love animals, playing games, and learning!
Research Databases Time-saving portal to thousands of online resources to explore children's and young adult books and their authors. Immediate access to short movies, audio book readings, book discussions, and more.
“Everyone is a reader...some just haven’t found their favorite book yet.” -Anonymous